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Clinical Research on Sarcopenia Therapy Begins in Brazil
-Promoting the development of innovative therapies using human umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal cells-

Human Life CORD Japan Inc. (President and CEO: Masamitsu Harata; Location: Chuo-ku, Tokyo; hereinafter “HLC”), which aims to be the first in the world to commercialize and promote the use of umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal cells (hereinafter “UC-MSCs”) as regenerative medical products, is pursuing developing a novel treatment against “sarcopenia,” a disease presenting with an age-related muscle weakness and muscle mass loss that result in decreased activity, death and increased risk of needing care in elderly people. As the first step of the above, HLC has initiated a clinical study in collaboration with the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS / President: Carlos André Bulhões M. Mendoza) in Brazil to explore biomarkers specific to sarcopenia.


【Background and Objectives】
Sarcopenia is one of the key health issues in an aging society and has been recognized as a disease since it was registered in the International Classification of Diseases in 2016. With the current diagnostic approach in clinical practice, it is difficult to determine the appropriate timing of therapeutic intervention, and effective treatments against sarcopenia have yet to be established. As part of our pursuit to develop a new treatment for sarcopenia utilizing UC-MSCs, this clinical study aims to identify sarcopenia-specific biomarkers which have relevance to the characteristics of UC-MSCs, based on indices such as muscle strength and body composition. These biomarkers are intended to serve as a basis for objective and effective therapeutic intervention for sarcopenia. Furthermore, the use of UC-MSCs for sarcopenia treatment is expected to represent an innovative approach leveraging the potential of cellular therapy in the disease area, which has not yet been extensively explored through clinical research. This clinical study is also expected to pave the way for new possibilities in sarcopenia treatment.
Our joint research with Nagoya University (Stem Cell Res Ther. 2022 Jun 3;13(1):226) using a sarcopenia model of senescence-accelerated mice reported that the administration of UC-MSCs and moderate exercise could improve the grip strength and endurance of the model animals, leading to improving their motor function. These results suggest that the therapeutic approach using UC-MSCs will be promising for the treatment of sarcopenia.


【Significance of Conducting this Clinical Research in Brazil】
Brazil is a country with a diverse ethnic population, including Japanese, and its aging population makes age-related diseases, including sarcopenia, one of the most serious social issues. Therefore, in Brazil, as a research target area for sarcopenia, a wide range of clinical data can be collected quickly. In particular, the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul has abundant clinical data on sarcopenia, and Dr. Emilio Hideyuki Moriguchi, Professor at the University’s Faculty of Medicine, which is a key collaborator for HLC in this clinical research, is the Director of the World Health Organization’s Center for Geriatrics and Chronic Disease Prevention and the Brazilian representative in the field of geriatrics, and one of the most influential leaders in sarcopenia research. This clinical study based in Brazil will allow HLC to promote biomarker discovery research by utilizing the abundant background data from long-term follow-up of patients.

Dr. Emilio Hideyuki Moriguchi stated the following;
“The rapid aging of the population, combined with the impact of COVID-19, has led to reduced physical activity among the elderly, increasing the risk of sarcopenia—a condition characterized by muscle deterioration that significantly affects quality of life (QOL). Consequently, concerns are mounting over declining QOL and the growing burden on healthcare and long-term care systems.
To address this issue, we aim to identify a novel biomarker that can be used for the diagnosis of sarcopenia and serve as a crucial tool for evaluating the efficacy of umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells developed by Human Life Code for sarcopenia treatment.
As both a Japanese citizen and a Brazilian physician, I take great pride in contributing to this groundbreaking collaborative research. We are committed to advancing this project to pioneer new approaches in the diagnosis and treatment of sarcopenia.”


【Future Prospects】
Based on the findings to be obtained from this clinical research, HLC will promote the development of a new treatment for sarcopenia utilizing UC-MSCs. In addition, efforts to unify the production methodology across Japan and the United States. through the future collaboration with the New York Blood Center, announced on January 14,2025 on HLC’s corporate website, will serve as an important foundation for the global commercialization of TTT utilizing UC-MSCs. By strengthening international collaboration, including Japan, Brazil, and the U.S., HLC will provide new treatment options for patients with rare and intractable diseases that cannot be saved by conventional medicine, pursuing innovative medical treatments that will contribute to solving the challenges of an aging society.


■About Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (
The Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), founded in 1934, is a Brazilian public university and one of the most highly regarded educational and research institutions in the country and abroad. The university has an outstanding research record in a variety of academic fields, and in the field of medicine, in particular, has demonstrated world leadership in research on aging and aging-related diseases. In addition, the University is taking advantage of Brazil’s diverse cultural and racial backgrounds to collect a wide range of data and conduct advanced research.


■About Human Life CORD Japan Inc. (
Human Life CORD JAPAN Inc. manufactures and develops cell products derived from domestically sourced, storable umbilical cords (“cord”), aiming to connect (“cord”) patients with intractable diseases to hope for life where no established treatments currently exist. Looking ahead, aims to contribute to future medicine that prevents severe disease progression and extends healthy lifespans, creating a society where everyone can enjoy a fulfilling life (“Human Life”).
HLC has received numerous accolades, including:
First Prize and Governor of Tokyo Award at the 1st Tokyo Venture Business Championship (2019)
Selection as a target company of the “Deep Ecosystem” operated by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s Startup Ecosystem Tokyo Consortium
Minister of Health, Labour, and Welfare Award at the 5th Japan Open Innovation Prize (2023
Selection for the “J-Startup” program by Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (2023)
Grand Prize in the Startup Category at the Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s “Courageous Management Awards” (2024)


Press Release PDF: Clinical Research on Sarcopenia Therapy Begins in Brazil


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